Sunday 5 July 2009

beta motto's

hi as u all no beta is out but its not better because so of u may no that when some people do there motto's is the same that is because beta is not been finished yet and they have done there motto's so can all of u use old habbo till beta is is finished OK.


beta mottos

Friday 3 July 2009

ryan fired

hi Ryan has been fired by walker (mark)
Ryan was the guy how was in the VIP area 24/7 talking promoting people and arguing with people he got fired for i don't no but i have nothing Aguste him i don't want 2 get told off ;)

Wednesday 1 July 2009


hi some of you may have looked on kos and sore some people on there that are really nice and have been put on kos well it was for a good reason walker (mark) sore that they where cloned what is when there names is a little bit different this may of been why the stickys where wiped a few weeks ago but well done mark for no in.

they guy ;)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------